The Chronic
April 2016


In the fall of 2015, universities across South Africa were engulfed by fires ignited by students’ discontent with the racial discrimination and colonialism that still defines the country’s institutes of higher education. The protests broadcast on televisions around the world were neither without precedent nor without parallel. The University in Africa, and indeed South Africa, has always been a site of turmoil, conflict and insurrection. But as history reveals, without a wider call for social change in society and a deeper engagement with questions of decolonisation, student protest movements stand to die an isolated death in the university.

With contributions from Pedro Monaville, Yemisi Aribisala, Frank B. Wilderson III, Bwesigye Bwa Mwesigire, Florence Madenga, Kwanele Sosibo, Joshua Craze, Lindokuhle Nkosi, Lidudumalingani Mqombothi, Moses Marz, Stacy Hardy and others.
